Below are some frequently asked questions about working with our law firm:
Q: Is there a consultation fee to speak with a lawyer?
A: Yes. We offer two options for an initial (first time) consultation: (1) phone consultation and (2) an in-office consultation. A phone consultation is at discounted rate of $200.00 (two hundred dollars USD) for up to 60 minutes. If you would like an in-office consultation, the fee is $350.00 (three hundred and fifty dollars USD) for up to 60 minutes. Phone consultations are available throughout the week. In-office consultations are limited to one day a week (usually on Saturday). Our initial consultation fee is set significantly lower than most similarly experienced lawyers and was implemented in order to focus the lawyer's time on individuals who are seriously considering retaining an immigration attorney. The consultation fee applies to your first-time new client appointment only. If you have previously had an initial consultation with Attorney Sunil and have not retained us on your case, but you would like to meet with him again, the hourly rate of $450.00 applies to any subsequent appointment(s).
Q: Can I speak directly with the lawyer without a paid consultation?
A: No. New clients must pay the consultation fee to speak with the lawyer. If our office is retained on your case, you will not pay any subsequent consultation fees to speak with the lawyer about your case.
Q: How do I make an appointment for a consultation with the lawyer?
A: We're flexible and make it easy for you to connect with us. You may schedule a consultation yourself by selecting an available time-slot on the attorney's calendar or give us a call at 770-756-6056 if you prefer.
Q: How much time do I have with the attorney if I pay the consultation fee?
A: We reserve one hour for each consultation. Some people need longer than others, but you will have up to one hour. On average, consultations usually take between 30 to 45 minutes.
Q: Who will work on my case if I hire you?
A: In our law firm, the only person who will work on your case is your lawyer. We do not use paralegals to work on client cases in our firm. Once you are a client, you may contact the lawyer directly when you have a question. Every aspect of your case is handled by a lawyer; even the administrative work a paralegal might do in other law firms.
Q: How much will it cost to hire you?
A: Your legal fees can depend on several factors that we don’t currently know about you. Generally, simpler cases cost less than more complex matters. However, you will know exactly how much our legal fees are after you have discussed all the facts of your case with the lawyer at your consultation. Almost everything we do is based on a flat fee. Therefore, the legal fee you are quoted at your consultation is the amount you would pay if we are hired on your case. In the event that your case requires billing by the hour, the lawyer will discuss that with you at your consultation.
Q: What are your hours of operation?
A: We see new clients in our office, via telephone or via Skype on Monday to Saturday by appointment only between the hours of 10:00am to 6:00pm EST. To schedule a new client consultation please call: 770-756-6056. At our firm, we answer the phones between 6AM to 8PM EST Monday to Sunday. If you prefer, you can also schedule the appointment yourself by visiting the lawyer's calendar page.
Q: If I hire you as my lawyer and I have a question, how can I reach you?
A: At our firm, clients have unprecedented access to their lawyer. You will be able to reach your lawyer by phone, text or email, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If your lawyer is awake and available, your call, text or email will be responded to as soon as possible. Our clients frequently text or email questions day and night. Unlike at many other law firms, we strongly believe that clients should have access to their lawyer at all times and should not have their calls, emails or text messages screened or answered by law office support staff. If you email or text your lawyer, you will receive a response directly from your lawyer.
Q: Will the lawyer come with me to a USCIS office or immigration court in my state of residence?
A: Yes, your lawyer can represent you at an interview, Infopass or hearing anywhere in the United States; however, additional fees may apply.
Q: Can you quote me a fee without having a consultation with the lawyer?
A: No. And it's not a "no" because we are trying to be awkward. Quoting fees without knowing all the facts of a case is not something we do. What a potential client thinks might be a simple case, may not be so simple after speaking with a lawyer. We frequently uncover important facts during a consultation that the potential client did not think was relevant to their case, but in actuality, complicates their case. We often receive calls from potential clients simply seeking a quote on their case without a consultation. We firmly believe that quoting legal fees without an in-depth consultation with a lawyer is bad practice and we don't do it. We welcome inquiries from potential clients, but reserve quoting legal fees till the end of a detailed consultation. As a friendly reminder, please do not select your lawyer based only on how much the lawyer charges. Legal matters are far too serious, and there is much to consider when retaining a lawyer. Poor legal representation can have serious consequences. See 4 Harsh Consequences of Bad Lawyering for the Immigrant Client